DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT THREE 26. 26 CONTINUED: GARAK A mere thirty cc's. Not nearly enough, I'm afraid. BASHIR Thirty cc's would anesthetize an Algorian Mammoth. GARAK Cardassians must be made of sterner stuff. I barely feel it. 27 NEW ANGLE As Bashir approaches Garak, determined to take charge of the situation. BASHIR Listen to me, Garak. I've had enough of your nonsense. Now I want you to come back to the Infirmary with me. GARAK I don't think so. Believe me when I tell you there's nothing you can do for me. BASHIR (nonconfrontational) Oh, and Quark can, is that it? GARAK (chiding) I thought I was supposed to be the spy, Doctor. BASHIR (ignoring this) Quark's not coming, Garak. Garak tries to hide his dismay. GARAK How do you know? BASHIR I heard him talking to his Cardassian contact. He couldn't get the item you requested.