DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir takes the bottle and turns away. GARAK What are you doing? BASHIR It's too noisy in here. I prefer to drink somewhere quiet. GARAK An excellent idea. (staggers up) We'll go to my quarters. BASHIR Whatever you want. But first I have to stop at the Infirmary. Garak stops in the middle of the room. GARAK The Infirmary. My dear Doctor... what kind of fool do you take me for. Give me back my bottle. BASHIR I will. In the Infirmary. GARAK I'm not going to the Infirmary and I refuse to play this ridiculous game. Now give me... Garak suddenly jerks back in pain, clawing at his temples as he crashes to the floor. The searing pain in his head completely overwhelms him. 11 CLOSE ON GARAK (OPTICAL) Writhing in pain. GARAK (barely conscious) Make it stop... make it stop. Garak slips into unconsciousness as Bashir scans the tailor with his tricorder. Whatever he sees doesn't make him happy.