DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - ACT ONE 8. 4 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Maybe he just doesn't like going to the doctor. BASHIR It's not that... it's that damn Cardassian evasiveness of his. (frustrated) I mean making me guess about his past is one thing, but when it comes to his health... why can't he just tell me what's going on? DAX It sounds like you're taking this personally. Bashir finishes taking the sample and he and Dax EXIT into... 4A INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (CONTINUOUS) BASHIR I suppose I am. After all, Garak and I've been having lunch together once a week for more than a year now. You'd think he'd trust me a little. DAX Why should he? It's not like you two are really friends. BASHIR No... of course not. I suppose when it comes right down to it, I don't trust him either. I mean, for all I know, the man is a Cardassian spy. DAX Exactly. They reach a turbolift door. BASHIR (peeved) Fine. If he doesn't want my help, that's his prerogative.