DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK It would only be a waste of time. When it comes to art, you're obviously a prisoner of Federation dogma and human prejudice. BASHIR Sorry you feel that way... but I am trying my best to... Bashir trails off as Garak suddenly grabs his brow in intense pain. BASHIR Are you all right? Garak struggles to suppress his reaction to the pain. GARAK I'm fine. But Bashir is already examining Garak. BASHIR You don't look fine. Your skin is clammy and your pupils are contracted. Suddenly Garak's face relaxes as if his pain has completely disappeared. He almost smiles and seems to feel much better. GARAK (feeling great) I assure you, I'm in perfect health. (changing the subject) Now, you were asking about other Cardassian novels... Something maybe a little more accessible... But to Garak's surprise, he's hit by another stab of pain and can't help but wince. BASHIR "Perfect health" you say? Then Cardassian standards must be a little lower than mine. Come on. Bashir takes Garak gently by the arm and tries to lead him out of line. Garak doesn't budge.