99:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Wire" - 03/01/94 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: BASHIR (Cont'd) I mean... the author is supposed to be chronicling seven generations of a single family... but he tells the same story over and over again... All the characters live lives of selfless duty to the state... get old... and die. And then the next generation comes along and does it all over again. Garak rubs his temples. He doesn't seem to be in his usual good spirits. GARAK That's the whole point, Doctor. The repetitive epic is the most elegant form of Cardassian literature, and The Never-Ending Sacrifice is it's greatest achievement. BASHIR But the characters never really come alive. I mean, there's more to life than serving the state. GARAK A Federation viewpoint if ever I heard one. Garak looks impatiently at the line. GARAK (continuing, cranky) This is ridiculous. Can't you just move to the front of the line? Tell them it's a medical emergency or something. BASHIR We're almost there. (picking up where Garak left off) Look, maybe if you lent me another book... by a different writer... Garak wrinkles his brow and squeezes his temples as if fighting off a bad headache.