52:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, II" - 02/17/94 - ACT FIVE 59. 69D INT. RIO GRANDE As it's hit by phaser fire. DUKAT (reading panel) We've taken a direct hit on our primary fusion core. SISKO Initiating emergency core shutdown. DUKAT The port nacelle is flooded with ionized deuterium. We've lost warp and impulse engines. SISKO We still have maneuvering thrusters. 69E EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) As the Runabout once again turns toward the Maquis ship. 70 INT. MAQUIS SHIP Hudson and Amaros are a study in contrasts. Hudson continues to go about his business like the professional he is, but Amaros is taut with tension. AMAROS They're coming back around. Use your phasers. HUDSON I can't. They've knocked out the power couplings to our weapons array. AMAROS What do we do?