DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, II" - 02/17/94 - ACT FOUR 48. 40 CONTINUED: KOBB I've also been recently informed that thirty-five people had to be hospitalized on Umoth Eight after eating from public food replicators. Sabotage is suspected. AMAROS From now on, guards should be posted at all public replicators throughout the colonies. General agreement from the other councillors. KOBB Now... about the new curfew. Suddenly they hear noise from outside the council chamber. Kobb motions to Amaros to see what's going on. Amaros heads for the door, which suddenly opens and... 41 SISKO ENTERS, carrying a small satchel over his shoulder. KOBB (not pleased at the interruption) Commander Sisko, what a pleasant surprise. If you'll just wait a moment or two, I'll finish up this meeting and we can talk privately. SISKO That won't be necessary. I want everyone to hear what I have to say. (addressing the room) I don't know how many of you here actually belong to the Maquis. Those of you who don't probably have friends who do. So please make sure you pass along what I'm about to tell you. (a beat) There is a treaty currently in place between Cardassia and the Federation. If you make yourself the enemy of Cardassia, you'll make yourself the enemy of the Federation.