DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, II" - 02/17/94 - ACT ONE 18. 11 CONTINUED: PARN Please, Commander, your efforts are appreciated but unnecessary. (off Sisko's surprise) You see the Central Command has learned that Gul Dukat was the leader of a small group of misguided officers who were funnelling weapons to our colonies in the Demilitarized Zone. A beat as Sisko and Kira absorb this news. Sisko keeps a poker face, hiding his skepticism from Parn. KIRA So the Maquis were right. The Cardassian settlers are being supplied by the Central Command. PARN (to Sisko) Dukat and the others were operating entirely without our knowledge. The Central Command would never sanction anything that would violate our treaty with the Federation. We've arrested Dukat's co-conspirators and they'll be dealt with accordingly. SISKO Where does that leave Dukat? PARN With the Maquis... Where he belongs. SISKO Are you saying you don't want him back? PARN I assume the Maquis will execute him for his crimes. SISKO I wouldn't be surprised. PARN Well then, I don't see where it makes a difference whether we do it or they do it.