DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, II" - 02/17/94 - ACT ONE 14. 9 CONTINUED: QUARK Commander, I assure you that I had no idea that Sakonna was planning to kidnap Gul Dukat. 10 INCLUDE ODO AND SISKO standing in front of Quark's holding cell. Odo harumphs. ODO Really. Then perhaps you can explain why the two of you were spending so much time together. QUARK Surely it's no crime keeping company with a beautiful female. You ought to try it, Odo. It might improve your disposition. ODO Do you expect us to believe that a Vulcan would be interested in you for your lobes. QUARK Vulcans are a species that appreciate good ears. (to Sisko) Commander, this is very embarrassing, having to discuss my personal life in such surroundings. SISKO Embarrassment is going to be the least of your problems unless you tell me what kind of business arrangement you had with that woman. Quark looks for a way out, but sees none and decides to make the best of it. QUARK All right. But first I want to make it clear that I was led astray by Sakonna's feminine wiles.