DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, II" - 02/17/94 - ACT ONE 9. 5 CONTINUED: SISKO Do it. Sisko continues into his office... 6 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE Sisko ENTERS to find a forboding Admiral NECHEYEV waiting for him. SISKO (a greeting) Admiral... NECHEYEV (no time for pleasantries) Commander, the Cardassian Central Command has gone on military alert in response to the kidnapping of Gul Dukat. 7 NEW ANGLE Sisko refuses to allow the Admiral's brusque manner to rattle him. SISKO I'm not surprised. NECHEYEV This Security Chief of yours... the shape-shifter. Sisko pretends to a calm he's not really feeling in order to protect his Chief of Security. SISKO Odo. NECHEYEV (whatever) Odo. Are you sure you wouldn't be better off with a Starfleet officer heading up your security team. SISKO Admiral, I have complete faith in Odo's ability to do his job.