DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, II" - 02/17/94 - TEASER 5. 1 CONTINUED: (4) HUDSON (simply) The Bok'Nor won't ever smuggle weapons again. SISKO And its crewmembers won't be going home to their families, either. Hudson's silence tells Sisko he's made his point. SISKO (continuing, pressing his advantage) Look, you say that the Central Command is behind the smuggling. Fine. Let's prove it. HUDSON How? SISKO We'll go to Cardassia... find the evidence to back up your claim. And when we do, we'll take it to the Federation... HUDSON (interrupting) No. The Federation abandoned us. Told us to take care of ourselves. Well, that's what we intend to do. But you, Ben, you could be invaluable. (off Sisko's look) Let us use your station. SISKO For what? HUDSON Any number of things. A maintenance facility for our ships... a supply depot...