DEEP SPACE: "The Maquis, II" - 02/17/94 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO I'm not asking you to. But your joining the Maquis isn't helping anyone. Your actions have only endangered the treaty, put millions of lives at risk... HUDSON (interrupting) The Federation believes every problem can be solved with a treaty. But out here, on the frontier, without the power of the Federation to back it up, a treaty's just a piece of paper. SISKO Do you have evidence that the Central Command has violated the treaty? HUDSON Not yet, but we will. SISKO If you're depending on Gul Dukat for proof, you're going to be disappointed. HUDSON Why do you say that? SISKO Because I don't think he knows. HUDSON We'll find out, won't we. SISKO I want him back, Cal. HUDSON He's not here. SISKO Then where is he? A long beat of tension, then...