97:[1,#b],135:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - 01/13/94 - ACT FIVE 58. 43 NEW ANGLE Garak comes up beside him and the two of them look at the sealed airlock for a beat. GARAK I suggest we return to the Promenade without delay. They turn away from the airlock and begin walking across the cargo bay. QUARK You have to tell me... why'd you do it? Shoot Toran? GARAK Why did you let Professor Lang go? QUARK I had no choice. I love her. GARAK And I love Cardassia. Which is why I had to do what I did. QUARK I don't understand. GARAK That's the thing about love. No one really understands it, do they? We stay in the cargo bay as these two lonely men EXIT, and vanish down a corridor: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END