DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - 01/13/94 - ACT THREE 30. 24 CONTINUED: GARAK Not at all. Annoying, perhaps. Inconvenient, maybe. But dangerous? Hardly. If they were dangerous, would the Central Command entrust the situation to me, a simple tailor? SISKO Which only confirms what I've suspected all along. You, Mister Garak, are no simple tailor. GARAK (chuckling) Really, Commander, that's another discussion, entirely. All you need to know right now is that the return of Hogue and Rekelen is in the best interests of the Cardassian Empire. SISKO Or at least in the best interest of the Cardassian military. GARAK Is there a difference? SISKO Do you really expect a Bajoran station, under Federation command, to turn over Cardassian political refugees... on your say-so? GARAK The ultimate decision is yours of course. I'm simply relaying a message. SISKO Then relay this. Tell the Central Command that if anyone attempts to take Hogue and Rekelen by force, I will respond in kind. Am I clear, Mister Garak? GARAK (an icy smile) Absolutely. Thank you for your time.