DEEP SPACE: "Profit and Loss" - 01/13/94 - ACT TWO 21. 18 CONTINUED: (3) GARAK (Cont'd) And I know there's nothing worse than following the wrong trend. Now you're a smart fellow. (glances at Quark's clothing) With your own inimitable style. Perhaps you should mention that to your lady friend. I'd hate to see her become... a victim of fashion. QUARK Would you like to explain that? GARAK She's chosen to associate herself with some rather flamboyant companions. It would be a tragedy if she got in the way when her friends... went out of style. QUARK (no longer dancing around) If anyone tries to hurt her, they're going to have to deal with me. GARAK (not impressed) What're you going to do? Shortchange them at the dabo table? Quark picks up the ripped dress and shoves it into Garak's arms. QUARK (defiant) I think I'll buy this dress after all. See that it's mended. Quark EXITS. Garak looks thoughtfully at the torn dress. 19 INT. NATIMA'S QUARTERS Natima sits at a table, while an agitated Rekelen and Hogue pace around her. REKELEN Professor, we have to do something.