DEEP SPACE: "Playing God" - REV. 12/21/93 - ACT FIVE 57. 60 INT. RUNABOUT Massive shaking now... the pulse tones return to the previous level... DAX (looking at sensors) Thirty-five seconds to Gamma. Vertiron levels are still okay... ARJIN (reacts to what he sees ahead) Jadzia... look at this... She looks up through the window reacts as she sees -- 60A OVER THEIR SHOULDER (OPTICAL) to see an intimidating, seemingly impenetrable stretch of vertiron nodes facing them... like icebergs blocking the Titanic... ARJIN We'll never get through it... 60B RESUME Dax feverishly pressing panels, checking scanners... DAX Reading a passage... adjust heading to one three one mark four-seven... ARJIN Confirmed. DAX The sensors say it's directly ahead... ARJIN I don't see it... The pulse gets steadily faster and faster... 60C OVER THEIR SHOULDER (OPTICAL) On a collision course with the vertiron nodes... DAX Hold your course.