DEEP SPACE: "Playing God" - REV. 12/22/93 - ACT FIVE 54. 52 EXT. WORMHOLE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) virtually still inside the wormhole... without motion, we can see hundreds of light yellow nodes surrounding them: these are vertiron nodes... and they create for the runabout an incredible minefield to traverse... 53 INT. RUNABOUT Blue light pouring in. ARJIN Now what. Dax moves back to her seat... taking readings... DAX Well, we can't stay here. In forty- two minutes, that energy mass expands... and once it intersects with one of those vertiron nodes, they'll feel the result on the Cardassian homeworld... ARJIN But the containment field is so weak now, it'll fail as soon as we start to move again... DAX (beat, a plan emerging) I guess we'll just have to let it fail. ARJIN (reacts) Let it fail? But you said it yourself -- if we pass through even one of those vertiron nodes without the containment field, the energy mass will explode... DAX Then, we'll have to avoid them... ARJIN (reacts) You're talking about precision flying through a wormhole... it's never been done... Sitting down.