157:[1,#b],171:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Playing God" - 12/17/93 - ACT TWO 21. 23 CONTINUED: He pauses by Dax and Arjin's table, encouraging with his eyes for Dax to join him for the last line in harmony... KLINGON HOST & DAX Ak'la bel-la doo-oo-oo-oo! They finish with a laugh and scattered applause... Arjin is rather embarrassed by it all... it isn't helped when the Klingon slaps Arjin on the back with glee... KLINGON HOST (to Arjin) She taught that to me... can you believe it... a Klingon song I'd never heard... ARJIN (suffering the indignity with a trace of attitude) She... collects lost composers. KLINGON HOST (A new boyfriend?) Ak un lach'tel? DAX (no, no, my student) Doko... doko... un Koliay Trill... KLINGON HOST (to Arjin) Don't get any ideas. She's mine! He laughs, walking away... DAX You haven't touched your racht. ARJIN No, I have. It's... interesting... DAX You've been moving it around your plate to make it look like you've touched it. ARJIN I didn't have to move it... it moved itself.