DEEP SPACE: "Playing God" - REV. 01/03/94 - ACT TWO 19. 20 CONTINUED: (2) Quark looks blankly at O'Brien. QUARK ... What? KIRA (off panels, urgent) Chief, the Mekong just came back through the wormhole... they're showing damage... O'Brien moves quickly to his station... Sisko ENTERS from his office having already seen the same readings... Quark puts his fingers in his ears and rubs as he EXITS... SISKO Open a channel, Major... put them on the screen... 21 ANGLE - INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Dax and Arjin appear on the screen. SISKO (continuing) Are you all right, Dax? DAX Our power reserves are gone... we could use a tow. Sisko looks to O'Brien who nods he's already on it... SISKO What happened? DAX Not exactly sure. But we picked up some kind of subspace seaweed on our starboard nacelle... we couldn't get rid of it without causing further damage... O'BRIEN You can cut your engines, Lieutenant. We'll bring you in to pad "D"...