DEEP SPACE: "Shadowplay" - 12/09/93 - ACT FIVE 55. 58 CONTINUED: (3) JAKE I better go study. I'm still trying to figure out those isolinear rods. Sisko nods and watches Jake EXIT to his room with a mixture of disappoint and pride. 59 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Kira ENTERS from the Promenade. She looks around, sees Quark waiting on a table, and makes her way purposefully toward him. KIRA (pleasant) Hello, Quark. QUARK (a little nervous) Major... to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure. KIRA Just thought I'd let you know... we caught your cousin trying to slip back onto the station. And guess what we confiscated from him... (smiles) Bone-carvings... stolen from a museum on Cardassia Five. For Quark, this is very bad news, but he tries not to show it. QUARK I always knew Kono was no good. KIRA I'm only sorry we didn't catch the two of you together. QUARK Life is full of disappointments. KIRA (smiling) Oh, by the way... (pointedly) Prylar Rhit tells me you "encouraged" him to invite Bareil onto the station.