111:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Shadowplay" - REV. 12/09/93 - ACT FOUR 45. 47 CONTINUED: Again there is a bit of an awkward silence. BAREIL (continuing) And now... here we are. A beat as they finish eating. BAREIL (continuing) That was delicious. KIRA Thank the replicators. Kira gets up and starts to clear the table. BAREIL Here, let me help. He gets up and they both reach for the same plate... KIRA That's not necessary. Your shoulder... They both take the plate. Their hands are now touching and they're inches apart. BAREIL Never felt better. They look into each other's eyes for beat. KIRA Maybe I could use some help after all. They lean closer and kiss. It's a long kiss and when it ends, they're both smiling. KIRA (smiles) I'll have to remember to thank Prylar Rhit for inviting you here. BAREIL You better tell him soon. Prylar Rhit is going to be returning to Bajor. (off Kira's look) It appears he fancies himself something of a Dabo player.