182:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Shadowplay" - REV. 12/13/93 - ACT THREE 37. 36 CONTINUED: (5) RURIGAN I guess he felt there was no point to it. I guarantee you those missing people aren't out there. ODO You're sure of that. RURIGAN (smiles) Absolutely. Rurigan nods his goodbye and EXITS. Hold on a thoughtful Odo. 37 EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF YADERAN SETTLEMENT - DAY Odo, Dax, and Taya climb a hillside above the Yaderan settlement. Dax is carrying a Yaderan sensing device. Taya is in the middle of a story. TAYA So then Great Minra said to the evil changeling, "Well maybe you can turn into a mountain, or a Ghergher Beast, or a tornado... those are big things and big things are easy... but I bet you can't turn into something small... like a loaf of greenbread." And so the changeling said "Yes I can." and he did... and then do you know what happened? ODO (gruff) The Great Minra gobbled him up. TAYA (surprised) How'd you know? ODO The changeling in your story wasn't very smart. Taya absorbs this, then brightens. TAYA Could you turn into a loaf a greenbread? ODO I suppose I could.