DEEP SPACE: "Shadowplay" - 12/09/93 - ACT TWO 21. 22 CONTINUED: SISKO'S COM VOICE Major, I thought you might like to know, we've received word that Vedek Bareil is coming aboard the station. KIRA Coming aboard? When? SISKO'S COM VOICE His ship just arrived at Docking Bay Twelve. Kira reacts. She's pleasantly surprised. 23 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) With a Bajoran ship in port. 24 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR Kira escorts BAREIL out of the docking ring airlock. She's genuinely glad to see him, but there's a slight hint of an underlying nervousness. KIRA I wish you'd given us a little more notice. We could've arranged a formal reception. BAREIL (smiles) Exactly what I wanted to avoid. There's a subtle difference in Bareil this time. Where as before we've only see him "on duty," now he's a little more relaxed, more down to earth, maybe even a little vulnerable. Kira notices it, too. KIRA What brings you to the station? BAREIL Prylar Rhit invited me to speak at the station's shrine. (a beat) And to be honest, I've been looking for an opportunity to come see you.