DEEP SPACE: "Shadowplay" - REV. 12/10/93 - ACT ONE 17. 15 CONTINUED: (2) Odo hangs back. ODO If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to your granddaughter. RURIGAN Last time I saw her she was across the square. I'll take you to her. 16 EXT. ANOTHER PART OF YADERAN SETTLEMENT - NIGHT An alien girl (TAYA) sits alone on a stairway, absentmindedly playing with an alien toy which vaguely resembles a large top. Taya's about nine, and looks lost and forlorn. She hears a noise... a footstep or some movement... and looks up and sees... 17 ODO AND RURIGAN walking toward her. Odo's face is hidden by the darkness. RURIGAN Taya? Rurigan steps into the light. Odo follows and the beam of harsh light illuminates his face, making it look even more bizarre and unreal. 18 ON TAYA As she reacts to Odo's strange appearance, shying away. 19 RESUME SCENE Odo can't help but notice the girl's reaction. Rurigan notices it, too. RURIGAN Don't be afraid, Taya. He's a friend of Protector Colyus. He just wants you to answer some questions. TAYA Do I have to? RURIGAN Not if you don't want to.