135:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - 11/24/93 - ACT FIVE 46. 39 CONTINUED: ALIXUS (continuing) This is painful for me, too. I want so much to give you water... let you lie down... sleep. But I can't. Not without your help. Sisko tries to speak, but can't. His throat's too dry. ALIXUS (continuing) I know it's too difficult to speak right now. Just rest. She pours herself a cup of water. There's no hint of spitefulness or cruelty on her face as she does so. ALIXUS (continuing) Change doesn't come easily to you; I realize that. Believe me, I'm not expecting a sudden, miraculous conversion. The change'll come by itself... if you're open to it. She picks up a neatly folded homespun shirt and trousers. ALIXUS (continuing) But you do have to show us that you are open to it. She unfolds the clothes and holds them up before Sisko. ALIXUS (continuing) A good start would be to get rid of that uniform. A long beat. Sisko makes no response. Alixus lays the clothes out across her bed. ALIXUS (continuing) I'll leave you these clothes... Alixus pours a full cup of water and sets it down on the table. (But she'll take with her the flagon whence it came.)