11:[2,#b],108:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 11/30/93 - ACT FIVE 43. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 34 EXT. SPACE - RIO GRANDE AND ORINOCO (OPTICAL) Parallel in space. 35 INT. RIO GRANDE Kira and Dax are on board. KIRA (checking console readings, curious) No sign of resistance. None of the onboard weapons have been fired... DAX But their logs have been erased. Someone else must have been here... KIRA Maybe Sisko and O'Brien beamed off before the ship was boarded... (beat, second thought) But then why would someone send the Runabout off at warp... why wouldn't they keep it or destroy it... DAX (checking panels) I think they were trying to destroy it. KIRA How can you tell... DAX The hull's been exposed to high temperatures and intense gamma radiation... (punching panels) ... if we retrace the Rio Grande's course... it takes us right back to... (reaction as she gets the results, looks at Kira who sees them too)