11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Paradise" - REV. 12/08/93 - ACT TWO 14-16. ACT TWO FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE - ESTABLISHING (OPTICAL) 2 INT. OPS KIRA and DAX at their stations. N.D. Supernumeraries as needed. Kira is picking up a message on her panel. KIRA Do you know an Admiral Mitsuya... DAX Best poker player in the fleet. Next to me. KIRA Well, he's diverting the Crockett to stop at DS Nine the day after tomorrow to "talk about Cardassian foreign policy"... DAX That's just an excuse to get Benjamin in a game... Mitsuya cleaned him out last year. We better hail the Rio Grande and get them moving back this way... As Kira presses panels... DAX I've worked on Benjamin's poker for two lifetimes... he just can't learn to bluff... KIRA That's odd... DAX I know... you'd think a man like Benjamin... KIRA No. The Rio Grande. It's not responding to our hails. OFF their curious reaction...