77:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 50. 75 O'BRIEN still on his knees, reacts as he sees his double in the other room... then falls on his side... as the Doctor approaches, kneels beside him... taking tricorder readings... Sisko and Kira move closer... 76 O'BRIEN#2 FROM THE ROOM (OPTICAL) limps into the room, and kneels next to his double. O'BRIEN ... He's perfect. He looks just like me. KIRA Apparently he thought he was you. COUTU No doubt they thought that would make him more convincing. 88 RESUME And as they talk over him, the dying "O'Brien" listens incredulously... COUTU (continuing) We believe there was a triggering mechanism programmed into him that would have taken over during the peace talks. The government scientists have learned to do remarkable things with replicants. Bashir tells them by shaking his head that there's nothing he can do... O'BRIEN What was he programmed to do? COUTU We're not entirely sure. Assassinate someone at the peace talks, we think. Perhaps our entire delegation. SISKO (to O'Brien) They were tipped off by one of their informants in the government.