185:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT FIVE 49. 82 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Just stay where you are. KIRA Listen to him. He's not your enemy. We're not your enemy... O'BRIEN No. COUTU Please. This will explain everything... O'BRIEN I don't want to hurt you... Coutu makes the decision, moves decisively for the door, O'Brien frowns, swings his phaser at Coutu but as he does... 83 THE BODYGUARD (OPTICAL) reaches behind his back, pulls out a hand weapon, fires it at O'Brien, who takes it full in the chest... he drops the phaser and goes down to his knees... mouth open like a fish gasping for air... he looks up in shock... at the same time, the rebel opens the door... SISKO (moving toward O'Brien) Doctor, we need you! 84 OMITTED 85 ANGLE - OVER O'BRIEN'S SHOULDER through the open door to see Bashir working over a cot and an unseen patient... he looks up, reacts as he sees the wounded O'Brien and rushes out to help... and a second later, the patient in the bed lifts himself up to see and it's another O'Brien... a bit battered and bruised... he reacts as he sees --