DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT FIVE 44. 72 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Adjust course to approach Parada Four... COMPUTER VOICE Confirmed... O'BRIEN How many moons around Parada Four, Computer... COMPUTER VOICE Seven... O'BRIEN (smiles) Lucky seven. Display their coordinates... They're listed... he studies them... we don't need to see... COMPUTER VOICE Approaching the Parada system. O'BRIEN Drop to impulse... He hits some panels... 73 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) At impulse approaching a mammoth planet toward the polar region... 74 INT. RUNABOUT (VPB) Keeping the "radar" graphic alive... O'BRIEN Status of Mekong... COMPUTER VOICE Mekong has dropped out of warp and has adjusted course to identical heading... O'BRIEN Perfect. How much time have they made up on us...