DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/17/93 - ACT FOUR 37. 56 ANGLE - O'BRIEN (OPTICAL) A cascade of forcefields activates down the corridor behind him... 57 THE MONITOR (VPB) shows hundreds of blinking forcefields all over the graphic... O'BRIEN There. You want to get to me now... you'll have to release them all. A beat later... all the blinks disappear... we hear the sounds of forcefields zapping off... O'BRIEN Thank you very much. He takes off... pausing to be sure the field is off and once he's determined that it is... moves quickly ahead... 58 INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR As he moves down... at the end of the corridor, a door opens, O'Brien pauses, prepared to retreat until he sees Jake comes out... Jake sees him, reacts, surprised, tentative... O'BRIEN Jake! Are you okay, lad? JAKE (casual) Yeah... O'BRIEN Good. Listen to me. Something isn't normal here. Your dad, the others -- something's happened to them... you and I are the only ones who can help... But Jake has moved casually to a companel on the wall... and now he hits it... JAKE (into companel) Jake Sisko to Security. He's here! Level H-two, section five!