71:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 34. 47 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Don't ask me to explain the politics of the situation there... but I know they've been fighting the government forces for twelve years... why? ODO I'm just trying to understand the players involved here... O'BRIEN (mind working) Odo, Sisko's logs indicated that secret messages have been coming from the Parada System... could those messages have been from the rebels? ODO (measured) As a matter of fact, they were. O'Brien stands... O'BRIEN That's already a breach of the security agreement we made with the Paradan Government... and it's a good enough reason for us to cancel these peace talks... ODO That... still might be premature... O'BRIEN What are you talking about... we've got more than enough to... He stops himself... stares at Odo who stares at him... and O'Brien realizes that Odo's no longer an ally... O'BRIEN They got to you. ODO Don't be ridiculous. I'm just trying to... O'BRIEN No, they did. They got to you. He starts to back up... turns to see --