79:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - ACT THREE 30. 43 CONTINUED: O'Brien takes him by the arm and pulls him away from the others, down a corridor and out of view... TIME CUT TO: 44 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR O'Brien has already told his story and has calmed down since bursting out the tale. (This is truly the first time Odo has heard any of this.) O'BRIEN Aside from Jake, not one of them was... I don't know... real. I'm not sure who we can trust on the station at this point... ODO (concerned) Do any of them know you're suspicious... O'BRIEN Probably. I've asked a few questions, been a few places that might tip them off. They'll be keeping close tabs on me... (beat) I'd call Starfleet but what would I tell them... my wife doesn't seem like my wife... Sisko's making security arrangements without consulting me... ODO They might even call Commander Sisko and start asking questions about you... O'BRIEN That's what I was afraid of... ODO When are the Paradas due? O'BRIEN Thirty-eight hours.