DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 28. 38 CONTINUED: COMPUTER VOICE Please enter security verification. O'Brien frowns and types in some information. COMPUTER VOICE Access denied. Off O'Brien's reaction. 39 INT. OPS O'Brien comes off the Turbolift and slowly approaches his workstation... a few Supernumeraries are working on night shift... they look up and casually acknowledge him... O'Brien moves into the pit... pulls out a console, begins to run a bypass... suddenly DeCurtis appears above him... DECURTIS Anything I can help you with, Chief? O'BRIEN Naw... just making sure those upper pylons are in working condition by morning... DECURTIS (smiles, with humor) You're an inspiration to us all. O'Brien grins without conviction and DeCurtis moves away... O'Brien goes back to work. O'BRIEN (V.O.) There were several traps laid into the computer subroutine, no doubt to let someone know if I'd penetrated their security lockout. I wasn't fooled for a minute and released the protected files without any problem. 40 INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR O'Brien returning from Ops... passes a Supernumerary, nods an acknowledgement... looks over his shoulder to see if the crewman is looking at him. He's not.