DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT THREE 24A. 30A CONTINUED: O'BRIEN "The minstrel boy to the war is gone... In the ranks of death you'll find him... His father's sword he hath girded on, And... " He stops in mid-line, thinks. Energized by the song, O'Brien smiles and barks at the computer -- O'BRIEN Computer, open a channel to the Rio Grande... audio only... COMPUTER VOICE Channel open. O'BRIEN (heartily) "The minstrel boy to the war is gone... In the ranks of death you'll find him... His father's sword he hath girded on, And his wild harp slung behind him... Land of song, said the warrior bard, Tho all the world betrays thee, One sword at least thy rights shall guard, One faithful harp shall praise thee." (as he hits a panel) End of transmission. He laughs a little too hard. Sits back down. Calms down. A long beat. O'BRIEN Computer, open O'Brien personal log, play back last sentence. O'BRIEN VOICE ... But all I could think of as I looked at her... was that this was not my Keiko. O'BRIEN (slightly punchdrunk from fatigue) You're right. She wasn't. (sighs, depressed anew) Continue log. (beat) I didn't get much sleep that night...