DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT TWO 21. 21 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN You don't like Fricandeau stew. KEIKO But you do. O'BRIEN Yeah, but... She takes it to the table... the camera continues to emphasize the relationship between O'Brien and the stew. And there's absolutely no reason to be suspicious about it. Except now, he's suspicious about everything. The salad's already on the table... KEIKO I just thought you'd appreciate one of your favorite meals. I know how you hate all the strange foods when you're away... a little endive salad... sweet flan for dessert... O'BRIEN How... thoughtful of you... She serves the stew to O'Brien... takes none herself... O'BRIEN Aren't you having any? KEIKO I just feel like having a little salad... O'BRIEN Not very hungry... KEIKO (acknowledges) I had a late lunch. O'Brien nods... fork is in his hand... he looks at -- 22 THE STEW his fork plays in the gravy... 23 O'BRIEN looks at...