DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 10. 10 CONTINUED: (2) And O'Brien wonders: bigger than preparing security for a peace conference? O'BRIEN Bigger? SISKO All three upper pylons are down again. O'BRIEN That's impossible... I went over the repair work yesterday... the pressure locks seemed to be at maximum efficiency... SISKO You'd better check again... we had to tow a Bolian freighter to a lower dock this morning... O'BRIEN It can't be anything that serious... I rebuilt that entire subsystem myself... I'll get on it right away... He rises... SISKO (with a smile) After your physical. O'BRIEN Yessir. (beat, pauses by the door) By the way -- I noticed you and Keiko... out in front of the school... talking this morning. Anything wrong? SISKO Oh... Jake's having some problems with his grades. O'BRIEN (nods) Sorry to hear that. Keiko's very fond of the boy. I'm sure she'll work that much harder to help him, sir. SISKO Yes, I'm sure she will.