116:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - 11/16/93 - ACT ONE 7. 8 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR I just know how you are about... O'BRIEN Well, forget it... I've got things to do... BASHIR (without humor) I'm afraid I'll have to insist. If I have to order you as your superior officer, I will. It's turned into a bit of a scene suddenly... O'Brien looks at Bashir who isn't fooling the least bit... glances incredulously at Kira and Dax who are decidedly not paying attention. Off camera, the commander's door opens and Sisko comes out... SISKO (O.S.) Is there a problem? 9 ANGLE to reveal Sisko... BASHIR Mister O'Brien says he's unavailable for a physical. SISKO (casual but firm) Make yourself available, Chief. O'BRIEN Commander... SISKO Doctor Bashir's annual report on the senior staff is due next week at Starfleet. We've all had to go through this. O'Brien takes a beat to study Sisko, finally to Bashir. O'BRIEN Fine. Fine, I'll be there in an hour. Bashir exchanges a quick, awkward glance with Sisko, nods and EXITS.