120:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Whispers" - REV. 11/18/93 - TEASER 4. 3 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Consoles are torn up... as O'Brien ENTERS, reacts... Ensign DECURTIS, a competent and take-charge young engineer, finishes an adjustment... O'BRIEN (re: the work) What's this? DECURTIS Just getting a head start, Chief... O'BRIEN Head start. Everybody seems to be getting a "head start" on me today... DECURTIS Sir? O'BRIEN DeCurtis, I appreciate your bushy- tailed enthusiasm... but I wanted to wait until Odo came back from Bajor to do this. We have to realign the entire security net for the peace talks. The Constable might have a few things to say about it all... DECURTIS Commander Sisko didn't feel we should wait for Odo... O'BRIEN (reacts) Sisko gave you permission to start this... without checking with me first? I don't think so...