DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FIVE 52. 60 CONTINUED: SHARAT Unfortunately, Commander, your officers are the only two people left who have seen the data concerning the development of the Harvesters. SISKO They have no intention of ever using that knowledge. You have my word... SHARAT Their intentions are irrelevant. The fact is, the threat remains as long as the knowledge exists... E'TYSHRA I know this is painful for you, Commander. It wasn't easy for us to order the deaths of our own people. But it is necessary... SISKO And if I refuse to turn them over? E'TYSHRA You can't outrun us and you can't fight us. We can destroy your runabout at any time. SISKO But Lieutenant Dax and I know nothing about the Harvesters... are you willing to kill us, too? SHARAT We'll do whatever we have to do to ensure our safety... E'TYSHRA Commander... you're running out of options... you have one minute to turn over Doctor Bashir and Chief O'Brien... SISKO You want them? You're going to have to take us all... Sisko DISAPPEARS from the Viewscreen. SHARAT (to E'Tyshra) He leaves us no choice...