DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 45. SISKO (finishing her sentence) ... they would've been alive after the fail-safe device went off... Sisko and Dax exchange knowing looks. SISKO Good work, Lieutenant. Dax permits herself a small smile... 52A INT. MILITARY COMMAND CENTER Bashir, holding the phaser rifle, is on guard at the door. O'Brien, who appears to be sleeping, begins to cough. The cough builds into a violent hacking. He gasps for air. Bashir races over, grabs a hypospray, injects him in the neck. O'Brien continues to gasp. Bashir pulls him up into a straight position... BASHIR Come on, Chief... don't leave me... breathe... ! O'Brien finally is able to take air into his lungs. He inhales and exhales greedily, wheezing. BASHIR That's it... you're doing it... O'Brien calms a little, nods... he can breathe again... O'BRIEN Tell me, Julian... you ever talk to that ballerina of yours... ? BASHIR Not since I left Earth... O'BRIEN (after a beat) Maybe you should... BASHIR (beat) Maybe one day I will. Suddenly both of them hear the sound of FOOTSTEPS moving outside. Bashir takes up the rifle, aims it at the door as...