DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - ACT FOUR 40. 46 CONTINUED: SISKO Good idea. 47 EXT. T'LANI THREE - DAY - THE CITY (MATTE SHOT) Re-establishing. 48 INT. MILITARY COMMAND CENTER Bashir is tinkering in the companel. O'Brien's still seated where we last saw him... his vision is dimmed to the point he can only make out shadows. Bashir moves to the console, presses the panel... BASHIR (reacting) Chief... Chief! It's working... (continues working the panel) The signal's very faint... O'BRIEN (voice weak) You'll have to shift... to a higher carrier frequency... go back into the companel... reset the actuators... on the chambers coil... Bashir goes to the companel, follows O'Brien's instructions. He returns to the console, presses the panel. BASHIR (eyeing panel) That's better... it's still pretty weak though... Bashir's fingers fly across the console. BASHIR I'm sending a distress signal. I've set it to repeat every two minutes... (crosses to O'Brien) Let's hope the T'Lani find us before the Kellerun do. O'BRIEN They better get here soon...