12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT FOUR 39. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 45 INT. RUNABOUT RIO GRANDE - IN MOTION Dax pilots the craft, Sisko sitting next to her. DAX (checking panel) We're approaching T'Lani Three. Establishing a synchronous orbit along side the Ganges. SISKO Open a channel to the T'Lani cruiser. Dax works the panel... 46 INCLUDE MONITOR (OPTICAL) E'Tyshra appears on the screen from Bridge of the T'Lani ship. E'TYSHRA Commander Sisko -- what a pleasant surprise. I take it you're here for your runabout... SISKO That's right. E'TYSHRA We were about to leave for the memorial service on T'Lani Prime. You're welcome to accompany us... SISKO Perhaps we will. But first I'd like to see for myself where the accident took place... E'TYSHRA (sympathetically) Of course. The transmission ends. DAX While you're on the cruiser, I think I'll beam over to the Ganges and take a look around.