DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 37. 41A CONTINUED: BASHIR Stay with me, Chief... I still need your help... O'Brien shakes his head to keep himself awake. O'BRIEN Don't worry... I'm not going anywhere... He forces himself to stay alert. O'BRIEN Who was she? BASHIR Who... ? O'BRIEN "Close. Not quite." BASHIR (smiling at the memory) Palis. Palis Delon. She was a dancer. A ballerina. She had exquisite feet... O'Brien chuckles... BASHIR (continuing) I'm serious... it's very important for a dancer to have good arches... (a beat) She was gorgeous... not to mention brilliant... I'd watch her on stage... I couldn't believe anyone could be that graceful... O'BRIEN And she was crazy about you...