66:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 35. 41 RESUME SCENE Keiko turns to them, nodding excitedly. KEIKO That's right. Late afternoon. (beat for emphasis) Miles never drank coffee in the afternoon. It kept him up all night. SISKO Maybe he made an exception this time. He was working long hours, under a lot of stress... KEIKO I know my husband. He never drank coffee that late in the day. KIRA Maybe he's not drinking coffee. (nodding at the monitor) Maybe it's tea... KEIKO (shakes head) I checked the data clip and it contained a spectroscopic analysis. The liquid in Miles' cup consisted of vegetable-based oils and caffeine... it's coffee all right... SISKO (exploring the possibility) You're saying this recording has been tampered with... KEIKO Yes, I am. And I'd like to know the reason why. So would Sisko. SISKO (to Dax) When were you planning on bringing the Ganges back from T'Lani Three?