106:[10,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - REV. 11/09/93 - ACT THREE 34. 38 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE - TIGHT ON MONITOR (OPTICAL) We see the T'Lani ship's lab... we are watching the visual record of the accident that Sisko, Dax, Odo and Kira watched before. The T'LANI TIME INDEX is plainly seen in the corner. KEIKO (V.O.) Watch -- it's coming up in just a few seconds -- On the monitor, we see O'Brien talking to Nydrom. O'BRIEN (ON SCREEN) ... If anyone gets it in their head to build these things again, they'll have to start from scratch. NYDROM (ON SCREEN) Then it's finished. O'Brien nods, picks up his mug of coffee and sips from it... KEIKO (V.O.) Computer, freeze image. O'Brien is frozen on the screen, the mug at his lips. 39 WIDER ANGLE to show Keiko, Sisko, Kira and Dax watching the monitor. KEIKO There. Do you see it? SISKO I see the Chief drinking coffee... KEIKO Exactly. Now, look at the time index. 40 INSERT - MONITOR (OPTICAL) - FAVORING TIME INDEX The index reads: 0015:28:33:12. KIRA (V.O.) Fifteen hundred hours...