53:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - TEASER 3. 2 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (eyeing muon bath; thinking out loud) It's all a matter of finding the right combination of muon frequencies... (beat; to Nydrom) It should be simple... but it's not... O'BRIEN (letting out some tension) Doctor, start the sequence... or we will be here a month. BASHIR Right, Chief. (announcing) I'm introducing the Harvesters into the genetic bath... 3 CLOSE ON GENETIC BATH The orange Harvester canister is lowered into the bath. BASHIR (V.O.) Beginning muon influx now... BLUE MUON RAYS begin crackling throughout the genetic bath... after a long beat, the canister rises back up. The gel inside has been changed from a fiery orange to a placid green. 4 RESUME SCENE Bashir and the others are quietly stunned. BASHIR (softly; to Nydrom) Doctor, would you please check for any gene-disrupter phasing... Nydrom moves back to the circuit control station, checks the readings. NYDROM The genetic integrity of the sample is holding steady. I'm not reading any genetic disruption at all.