DEEP SPACE: "Armageddon Game" - 11/08/93 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: Bashir then nods to an N.D. Kellerun scientist. The scientist picks up a glass canister of Harvesters -- a DAY- GLO ORANGE GEL. The scientist carefully fastens the canister onto the top of the domed genetic bath. BASHIR (to computer) Computer... this is Harvester test sequence three hundred and seventy- five. NYDROM (still at control station) Muon generator now at full power. Bashir looks down at the genetic bath control panel, stares at it along with the other scientists. O'Brien turns toward them in his chair, aware of how important the next few moments will be. BASHIR (wearily) Once more into the breech... I hope this works, because frankly I'm running out of ideas. NYDROM It took ten years to perfect the Harvesters. We've only been trying to eliminate them for a week. BASHIR Is that all it's been? It feels like we've been working nonstop for a month. I've never seen a nano- biogenic weapon so resistant to broad spectrum radiation...