21:[1,#b],73:[1,#b],126:[1,#b],134:[1,#b],137:[1,#b],205:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - REV. 10/28/93 - ACT FIVE 47. 58 CONTINUED: (2) ODO Do? MORA They won't know what to do. They'll put you in some kind of high security prison, or quarantine you on a deserted asteroid in the Gamma Quadrant. Odo, they'll put you in a zoo. ODO I don't believe that. You don't know them... MORA What other humanoid have you ever been able to trust except me? ODO What makes you think I trust you... MORA (intense) I resent that. I really do. After the time I invested in you. The education I gave you. The attention I gave you. You wouldn't be here today without my guidance. I gave you more than anyone else in my life. You were my life. And you walked away. Now, you don't trust me? Fine, put yourself in their hands then. Always had to learn your lessons the hard way, didn't you... Odo is really feeling it now... getting a little moist, turning his back on Mora, leaning his hands on one of the electronic security consoles... ODO (conflicted, soft) I am not going back to the center with you... Now warmer, but zeroing in, give and take "affection" -- MORA Why? We'll work through this together. The two of us.