189:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Alternate" - REV. 11/01/93 - ACT FOUR 44. 57 INT. SECURITY OFFICE (VPB) Odo is making a visual check through of all security camera shots of the station... primarily the Promenade... which is virtually deserted. Mora ENTERS. ODO Doctor Weld has regained consciousness. It looks like he'll be fine. MORA (preoccupied) That's a relief. He sits. Odo reacts to the tension in his voice... his manner. ODO You don't seem relieved. MORA (appreciating him anew) You can tell that just by observing me, can't you... the tone of my voice, my eyes, my body movements... ODO Yes. MORA You are such a remarkable lifeform, Odo. But there is so much we still don't understand about you. ODO (impatient with him) What are you getting at, Doctor... ? MORA The computer has broken down the DNA chain of the organic sample we found in the Infirmary. Dax is running an analysis of it now. She'll have it identified in a couple of hours. But I already know what it is. I've seen it before. The organic sample... it's from you, Odo. On Odo's reaction... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR